
Our History


CRS commenced operations in 1977 under the directorship of Gordon G.McCreedy, hereby referred to as GMC. It operated out of the premises of Nelson Motors in Berea Road, Durban, primarily carrying out metal stitching of cracks on castings in the automotive, non-automotive and various fields of industry.

A family member assumed the position of the sleeping partner whilst GMC retained full management operation of CRS in Durban, due to GMC having been extensively trained in metal stitching and crack repairs by the family member in Johannesburg the previous nine months.
During the last 16 years CRS has maintained and re-conditioned all its machines and replaced all outdated machines and tooling with new technology.

Employee and staff training has and will always be a high priority of CRS in its quest to deliver the best workmanship and service to its most valuable assets, its clients and associates.


CRS out grew the premises by September 1980 with GMC and partner having to find alternate, larger business premises. The directors then purchased “Kingendo”, a property company formulated with the intention of providing adequate space for expansion of the business.

After settling into the new premises, growth continued at a rapid pace, leading to the expansion into re-conditioning of cylinder heads. This resulted in a far more capital intensive operation. It proved successful and the directors further enlarged the premises by 700 sq. meters.


These enlargements allowed for the expansion into the automotive and general engineering markets in February 1983, incorporating re-boring, line boring and crankshaft grinding etc. This expansion phase into full engine re-conditioning and general engineering was the most expensive and resulted in a marked increase in overheads.

Staff employment rose steadily over the expansion phases and had, by this time, peaked at about 32 full time employees. GMC still retained full management operation in Durban co-ordinating and controlling all sectors of administration, marketing and production.

The increase in overheads and environmental factors affecting the economy led CRS maintaining only inflationary growth over the period February 1983 to March 1985, when the sleeping partner decided to dispose of his share of CRS to Greg Transell, hereby referred to as GTL.

GTL, a former commercial aircraft pilot from Johannesburg relocated to Durban and immediately settled into becoming a hands-on working director like GMC. The shareholding remained evenly divided.


CRS experienced a boom period from March 1987 with an above average capital intensive growth. This precipitated the purchase of additional machinery with a simultaneous increase in staff to utilize such machinery. 

The trend started to change towards November 1989 with CRS still growing, but at a slower rate, attributed by both directors to external factors prevailing in the economic climate at that time. This attribution is borne out by the fact that other firms in a similar industry were showing negative growth during that time period.

During 1989 more capitals were invested in machinery to clear profit margins and update technology.

Due to the diverse services that the company offers, CRS did not tend to feel the effects of economic recessions quite as badly as some other companies. The company has always been profitable and utilized these profits to plough back into the company in order to facilitate expansion and growth. This obviously had tax advantages as well.


In January 1992 the company further diversified itself into the manufacturing sector. A range of automotive machines was developed by GMC and GTL intended initially for the local market. These products have been marketed under the name of M.D.M. This market has the potential to be expanded into supplying the rest of Africa and other foreign markets in the future.

In January 1994 GMC purchased GTL’s 50% shares in CRS due to GTL immigrating to Australia.

And beyond.

During the last 16 years CRS has maintained and re-conditioned all its machines and replaced all outdated machines and tooling with new technology.

Employee and staff training has and will always be a high priority of CRS in its quest to deliver the best workmanship and service to its most valuable assets, its clients and associates.

Our company is full members of the Metal Industries Association and the Durban chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Future Forecast

It has been agreed by management and employees that the potential for the company to grow under the present product and service range is huge, and the company has spare capacity at every workstation thus not having to purchase any other capital equipment and tooling in order to grow the company in a normal nine hour shift. We also agree that should the need arise in the future, management will consider putting on a second shift to further increase customer satisfaction and machine utilization.